GRC Announcements

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GRM 2021 CALL FOR PAPERS - We are pleased to announce that we are issuing new call for papers. Please click on more details


GRM 2021 CALL FOR PAPERS We are pleased to announce that we are issuing new call for papers. Please click on more details

GRM 2021 CALL FOR PAPERS We are pleased to announce that we are issuing new call for papers. Please click on more details

The deadline for the abstract application is February 25, 2021.


The deadline for the abstract application is February 25, 2021.

The deadline for the abstract application is February 25, 2021. For more details click here.

GRM 2021 CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSAL We are pleased to announce that we are issuing a call for new workshop proposals. Please click here for more details


We are pleased to announce that we are issuing a call for new workshop proposals. Please click here for more details

We are pleased to announce that we are issuing a call for new workshop proposals. Please click here for more details

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, chairman and founder of the Gulf Research Center chaired Task Force 5 working group at the T20 summit on The Future of Pluralism and Global Governance.


Dr.Abdulaziz Sager, chaired the T20 Summit Season: Task Force 5 Webinar

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, chairman and founder of the Gulf Research Center chaired Task Force 5 working group at the T20 summit on The Future of Pluralism and Global Governance.

On 28 September, the GRC hosted the first discussion in its ongoing digital roundtable series, addressing the question “Should GCC national oil companies target net zero emissions by 2050?” moderated by Prof. Giacomo Luciani.


GRC Energy Webinar Summary: “Should GCC national oil companies target net zero emissions by 2050?”

Digital Roundtable Discussion: “Should GCC national oil companies target net zero emissions by 2050?”


The Gulf Research Center is organizing a digital roundtable discussion on September 28, which will address the question “Should GCC national oil companies target net zero emissions by 2050?”

Oil industry leaders Shell and BP have both officially announced their targets to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, including for their “Scope 3 emissions,” i.e. those emissions caused by the use of their products. Should GCC national oil companies follow in their footsteps? While other European companies are moving in that direction, US-based ones are not.

We have invited a diverse panel of experts to give their perspectives on this question, and at the end of the session we will hold a virtual vote to measure the views of the audience.

The discussion, which will be held under the Chatham House Rule, will be moderated by Prof. Giacomo Luciani.

The event will take place from 16:00 Riyadh Time

Register in advance for this webinar:

Please note that this is a closed discussion.

For any other event-related questions, please contact the meeting coordinator, Ms. Al-Anoud Khalifah at