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GRC Announcements

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The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr. Abdulaziz bin Sager, on the program " Panorama " on Al Arabiya News channel


The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr. Abdulaziz bin Sager, on the program " Panorama " on Al Arabiya News channel about the visit of HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz to the French Republic

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr. Abdulaziz bin Sager, on the program " Panorama "  on Al Arabiya News channel about the visit of HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz to the French Republic

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr.Abdulaziz bin Sager, In the program " Situation " on the Saudi Channel.


The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr.Abdulaziz bin Sager, In the program " Situation " on the Saudi Channel. It was about HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's trip to Greece and France. Among other different topics

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center

Dr.Abdulaziz bin Sager, 

In the program " Situation " on the Saudi Channel. It was about HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's trip to Greece and France. Among other different topics

Saudi Channel - July the 27th 2022

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr.Abdulaziz bin Sager, In the program (Here is Riyadh) on Al Ekhbariya channel, about the visit of the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman ,May Allah protect him, to Greece


The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr.Abdulaziz bin Sager, In the program (Here is Riyadh) on Al Ekhbariya channel, about the visit of the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman ,May Allah protect him, to Greece.

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center 

Dr.Abdulaziz bin Sager, 

In the program (Here is Riyadh) on  Al Ekhbariya channel, about the visit of the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman ,May Allah protect him, to Greece. The episode is entitled : 

"The Kingdom-Greece .. from a friendship to a "strong" partnership "

Al Ekhbariya channel - July the 26th 2022

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr. Abdulaziz bin Sager, on the program "qosara al qawl" "Best To Say" on Russia Today channel


The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center Dr. Abdulaziz bin Sager, on the program "qosara al qawl" "Best To Say" on Russia Today channel

The participation of the chairman of the Gulf Research Center

Dr. Abdulaziz bin Sager,

on the program "qosara al qawl"  "Best To Say" on Russia Today channel , in an episode entitled: 

"A Troubled Gulf in a World of Confrontation "

"RT Arabic"

July 25th 2022

Dr.Hesham AlGhannam participated in the annual world's conference on the Gulf region


Dr.Hesham AlGhannam participated in the annual world's conference on the Gulf region

 The conference was organized by the center for Gulf studies in Exeter university in the United Kingdom. It was the 32nd Exeter Gulf conference, subjected by Liberalism and Its Paradoxes in the Arabian Peninsula.

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated virtually in the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ and Gulf Research Center’s 22 July 2022 online discussion, "Evaluating the Impact of President Biden's Visit to the Middle East."


Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated virtually in the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ and Gulf Research Center’s 22 July 2022 online discussion, "Evaluating the Impact of President Biden's Visit to the Middle East."

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