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GRC Announcements

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Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, held meetings with Dr. Björn Hinrichs, Director of the German-Arab Friendship Group in Berlin


Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, held meetings with Dr. Björn Hinrichs, Director of the German-Arab Friendship Group in Berlin, and with Dr. Günter Mulack, Director of the German Orient Institut to discuss cooperation and mutual interests. He also held a meeting with Jeremias Kettner of Hofgrefe Consulting where the two sides discussed German-Qatari relations and the role of foreign economic investment.

Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, took part in workshop held by the Center for Preventive Action of the Council on Foreign Relations on “What do about the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry,”


Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation, took part in workshop held by the Center for Preventive Action of the Council on Foreign Relations on “What do about the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry,” held at the Tufts European Center in Tailloires, France. The workshop brought together 20 participants to discuss understanding the sources and dynamics of the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry, Assessing the Risks of current and emerging concerns, the role of the United States and Europe in managing the rivalry, and how to forestall future developments.

Dr. Christian Koch participated in the Book Talk on Arab Geopolitics in Turmoil held at NATO Headquarters on the invitation of Amb. Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division.


Dr. Christian Koch participated in the Book Talk on Arab Geopolitics in Turmoil held at NATO Headquarters on the invitation of Amb. Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division. The book launch is a result of the conference that the Gulf Research Center Foundation held with the NATO Defence College Foundation in February 2016 in Rome. In addition to Dr. Koch’s remarks, Nicola de Santis , Head of the Middle East and North Africa Division at NATO’s Political Affairs and Security Policy Division and Prof. Alessandro Politi, Director of the NATO Defence College Foundation also spoke. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Deniz Beten of NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Division. The book with the individual contributions to the February conference is available on the GRC and the NATO Defence College Foundation website for a free download.

Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation met with Dr. Ioannis Loukas, General Director for Middle East and North Africa Business Strategies and Politics of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems International Qatar


Dr. Christian Koch, Director of the GRC Foundation met with Dr. Ioannis Loukas, General Director for Middle East and North Africa Business Strategies and Politics of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems International Qatar, at the GRC office in Geneva. They discussed cooperation between the two institutions as well as developments in the region.

Dr. Christian Koch participated in a discussion with Dr. Saad Bin Tiflah Al-Ajmi, former Kuwaiti Minister of Information, held at the Konrad-Adenuer-Foundation in Berlin, Germany.


Dr. Christian Koch participated in a discussion with Dr. Saad Bin Tiflah Al-Ajmi, former Kuwaiti Minister of Information, held at the Konrad-Adenuer-Foundation in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Al-Ajmi spoke about “Secularism or Failure – The Future of the Middle East” with Dr. Koch providing some comments followed by a general discussion. The event was sponsored by the German-Arab Friendship Society.

Dr. Christian Koch gave a lecture to the 17th New Issues in Security Course (NISC) held at the Geneva Center for Security Policy on "The Gulf States and Iran: What Future?".


Dr. Christian Koch gave a lecture to the 17th New Issues in Security Course (NISC) held at the Geneva Center for Security Policy on "The Gulf States and Iran: What Future?". The presentation was part of a focus on “State Building and Transition in the Middle East and North Africa” held in the course which featured 24 participants. The lecture was followed by an open discussion and question and answer period.

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