GRC was founded in July 2000 by Saudi businessman Dr. Abdulaziz Sager. Dr. Sager's vision was to fill an important void by conducting scholarly, high quality research on all aspects of the wider Gulf region including the six member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as well as Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. GRC operates on an independent, non-profit basis.
It is the belief of the GRC that everyone has the right to access knowledge, and in supporting this, the GRC has made all of its research available to the general public through publications, workshops, seminars, and conferences. As a non-profit organization, GRC injects all income back into new programs and activities.
To be the leading think tank on Gulf affairs worldwide.
To provide an Arab Gulf perspective on regional and global developments in order to promote regional peace and stability and positively influence the policy processes of local, regional, and external actors.
GRC GRC believes that the peace, security, prosperity and sustainability of the Gulf region is the right of its people, together with the right of everyone to have access to knowledge.
To realize its vision, the GRC focuses on the following objectives::
Contributors from within the GRC and its network of experts create the content, which is then disseminated through a variety of channels, and made available to those interested in the study and development of the region. In many cases, members of the community contribute to the Center's research activities, thus completing this creative cycle