GRC - The First Twenty Four Years (2000-2024)

GRC 24 Year

The idea of establishing an independent Gulf Studies research center within the Gulf region itself was conceived by Dr. Abdulaziz Sager and motivated by his desire to make solid, research-based knowledge about the strategic Gulf region easily available to all. This is the ultimate origin of the Gulf Research Center (GRC) and its maxim – “Knowledge for All”.

The initial GRC offices were established in Dubai in June 2000. Expansion took place quickly and not only in Dubai - as GRC offices were also established in Jeddah, Geneva, Cambridge and soon Brussels. The Geneva office was established as a Swiss Foundation – the Gulf Research Center Foundation – in order to facilitate outreach and cooperation with Europe and globally. The Cambridge office was established at the University of Cambridge as a UK Charity – the Gulf Research Center Cambridge – in order to facilitate integration with the global academic community, primarily through the Gulf Research Meetings, which GRC Cambridge organizes annually.

In the past twenty four years, the Gulf Research Center has grown from a creative idea to become a globally recognized research center that has contributed much to the understanding of the Gulf region - never losing sight of its ultimate mission of promoting peace, security, prosperity and sustainability not only in the Gulf region itself, but also globally. The Gulf Research Center extends a sincere thank you to everyone who has contributed to its success during the past twenty four years!

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GRC Staff Reflections on the GRC's Accomplishments Over the Last Two Decades

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager Founder and Chairman of the Gulf Research Center

“Gulf Research Center: 20 Years of Giving and the Journey Goes on”

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Dr. Mustafa Alani
Director of Security and Defense Research Program

“A Pause for Reflection, Gulf Research Center: Achievements Transcending Time”

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Dr. Christian Koch
Member of the Board of Trustees, GRC Foundation geneva

“Putting the Gulf on the Map: The Role of the Gulf Research Center in Foreign Affairs Analysis”

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Dr. Giacomo Luciani
Member of the Board of Trustees, GRC Foundation Geneva

“The Gulf Research Center and the Changing Global Energy Landscape”

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Dr. John Sfakianakis
Chief Economist and Head of Economic Research Program

“The Gulf Research Center's Thinking About the Economies of the Gulf Since 2000”

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Dr. Oskar Ziemelis
Member of the Board of Trustees,GRC Foundation Geneva, Director of Cooperation

“A Brief Historical Overview of the Gulf Research Center”

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“GRC Partnerships and Cooperation”

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Dr. Abdullah Baabood
Member of the Board of Trustees, GRC Cambridge Foundation

“The Gulf Research Center Cambridge”

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Javaid Iqbal
Member of the Board of Trustees, Director of Information Technology

“GRC Took the Lead in Building Digital Research networks Long before the Rise in Social Media, GRC: 20 Years of Utilizing Technology to Serve the Gulf Region”

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Aileen Byrne
Senior Researcher

“Two Decades of Research on the Gulf: The GRC's Continued Mission of Ensuring Gulf Representation in Global Research on International Affairs”

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Jamal Hammam
Managing Editor of Araa Magazine

“A Pause for Reflection, Gulf Research Center: Achievements Transcending Time”

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Dr. Mohammed Raouf
Director of the Environmental and Sustainability Research Program

“GRC Environmental and Sustainability Research Program: Working Towards a Sustainable Future for the Region”

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Dr. N. Janardhan
Senior Research Fellow, Gulf-Asia Research Program

“GRC and the Asianisation of the Gulf”

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Noriko Suzuki
Senior Advisor, Gulf-Asia Research Program

“GRC and Gulf-Japan Relations”

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Layla Ali

“The Gulf Research Meeting: Ten Years of Excellence in Gulf Studies”

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Al-Anoud Khalifah

“The Importance of Events at the Gulf Research Center”

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