Gulf Politics and Society Research Program

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Gulf Politics and Society Research Program

The Gulf Politics and Society research program focuses on the following topics:

  • Political systems: constitutions, legislatures, judiciaries, executive systems, political and social movements, and civil society and human rights
  • Social issues: education, gender studies, youth, media, history, civil society, academia and research, environmental issues from a social perspective
  • Culture and demographics

Sample of Past Projects

  • UNDP Feasibility Study: The GRC carried out a feasibility study for the United Nations Development Programme to evaluate the possibility and modalities of establishing a Center for Economic and Social Policies in the Arab Countries (CESPAC). The study included: survey and evaluation of existing research centers, development of mission and mandate concepts, defining potential activities, organizational structure, administrative procedures and policies, as well as legal framework, and the development of a plan to establish CESPAC, including cost plan, evaluation processes and sustainability plan.
  • The Role of the Private Sector in Promoting Economic and Political Reform (along with the Arab Reform Initiative): The project involved original research to shed light on the capabilities and attitudes of the private sector towards economic and political reform. Research focused on evaluating private sector capabilities and degree of dependence on government spending or protection, as well as on addressing the role of the private sector in promoting economic and political reform. A series of workshops in addition to a book publication took place within the framework of this project.

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