Gulf Research Center Foundation Brussels

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About the GRC Foundation Brussels

The Gulf Research Center Foundation Brussels (GRC Foundation Brussels or GRCF-B) was established in 2024 as an International Non-Profit Association in Brussels, Belgium, under the Belgian Civil Code relating to companies and associations. It is, by definition, a not-for-profit institution and an umbrella organization that develops and implements research, training, and educational programs about the Gulf and European region.

The GRC Foundation Brussels conducts research on Gulf-Europe issues, and plays a key role in promoting academic excellence both in and about the Gulf region. It ensures objective and comprehensive analysis and information about this vital part of the world in relation to Europe. This is accomplished through numerous projects that the GRCF-B carries out, often in partnership with other research organizations and the European Union. The location of the GRCF-B in the capital of the European Union situates it at the heart of Europe, and is of great benefit to its work.

Cooperation with renowned research institutions and other organizations in Europe is an essential part of the Foundation’s work. The GRCF Brussels works to build networks across all official and unofficial channels, thus broadening and enhancing relations between the Gulf region and Europe.

The Foundation qualifies to receive funding and participate in programs supported by international organizations, the European Union, and various independent international foundations. Under the laws of the constituent states of the European Union, donors based in the European Union are eligible to receive tax benefits for supporting the work of the GRC Foundation Brussels.

The objectives of the GRCF Brussels Office are

  • Enhance Gulf-Europe relations through a world-class facility providing research and analysis.
  • Establish a wide-ranging strategic dialogue that underpins the ties between Europe and the Gulf region.
  • Provide a framework for constructive dialogue to enhance institutional capabilities in bilateral relations.
  • Build a network of relevant stakeholders from politics, business, media, and academia in a holistic effort to contribute to mutually beneficial ties.
  • Promote economic partnerships and enhance business-to-business ties with new initiatives and dialogues.
  • Identify and propose new areas of cooperation outside the current scope.
  • Support a widening cultural dialogue between Europe and the Gulf region.
  • Promote youth and research exchanges.

Gulf Research Center Foundation Brussels

Avenue de Cortenbergh 89
1000 Brussels

The GRC Foundation conducts research on Gulf issues, promotes academic excellence both in and about the Gulf region, and ensures objective and comprehensive analysis and information about this vital part of the world.

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager
Founder and Chairman of the GRC Foundation Brussels

Dr. Christian Koch
Director of the GRCF Foundation Brussels