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GRC August Newsletter 2023

Author: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2023
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


GRC August Newsletter 2023

GRC August Newsletter 2023

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Gulf Research Center Newsletter June 2023

Author: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2023
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


GRC June Newsletter 2023

GRC June Newsletter 2023

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GRC July Newsletter 2023

Author: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2023
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


GRC July Newsletter 2023

GRC July Newsletter 2023

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Gulf Research Center Newsletter August 2022

Author: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2022
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Gulf Research Center Newsletter July 2022

Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jun 2022
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Gulf Research Center Newsletter July 2022

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Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin (Issue No.7)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2014
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The seventh issue of the Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin is now available. The current issue features several articles on Japan’s relations with the Gulf including the GCC and Iran.

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Regional Security in the Gulf (Issue No. 3)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2013
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin (Issue No.6)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2013
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: This GCC-Asia bulletin, which is to be produced bi-annually, seeks to address the current information deficit in the area of GCC-Asia relations through analytical and incisive articles. In this issue, the emphasis is on the relationship with Japan.

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Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin (Issue No.5)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 7)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Environment Research Bulletin (Issue No. 5)

Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 10)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jun 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Maritime Security in the Gulf (Issue No.8)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: May 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 15)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Mar 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Environment Research Bulletin (Issue No. 4)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Feb 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin (Issue No.4)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Feb 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 5)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 6)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2008
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 9)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Dec 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Nuclearization of the Gulf (Issue No. 7)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Dec 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 6)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Dec 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Environment Research Bulletin (Issue No. 2)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Sep 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 4)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Sep 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Environment Research Bulletin (Issue No. 3)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 8)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 3)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: May 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 7)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 7)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Environment Research Bulletin (Issue No. 2)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Suicide Bombing Operations (Issue No. 5)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Mar 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 12)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2007
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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Soft Security in the Gulf (Issue No. 4)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Nov 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 11)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Oct 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 2)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Oct 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Environment Research Bulletin (Issue No. 1)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The GRC Environment Research Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter that aims to document relevant information about the different environmental challenges and opportunities for the GCC states and their potential impact on the sustainable development of the region. The Gulf region is witnessing increasing stress on its environment and natural resources as a result of rising population, rapid urbanization and industrialization. The Gulf Research Centre is keenly aware of the environmental challenges faced by the GCC states and has launched this research bulletin to deepen the awareness and understanding of environmental issues. The Environment Research Bulletin covers a wide range of environmental issues including, Water, Air, Land, Waste, Biodiversity, marine environment as well as Environmental Policies. The bulletin also showcases activities undertaken by the GRC as part of its environment research program.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 10)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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The GRC Economic Research Bulletin (Issue No. 1)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jun 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The GRC Economic Research Bulletin addresses topical issues of economic development in the GCC countries. This inaugural issue discusses the potential for a more balanced and sustainable development of GCC financial markets after the recent stock market corrections. The topics range from regulatory issues, the establishment of bonds and derivatives markets to Islamic banking.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 9)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 4)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Feb 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The GCC-EU Research Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter focused on the relationship between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the European Union (EU). The newsletter combines an overview of events within the Gulf Research Center with short informative articles on aspects of the GCC-EU relationship as well as useful background information.

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Counter-Terrorism in the Gulf (Issue No. 2)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Feb 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Security and Terrorism Research Bulletin is a quarterly produced publication focused on issues of security and terrorism in the Gulf region, defined by the GRC as the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as well as Iran, Iraq and Yemen. The Bulletin targets key topical areas in the field of security and terrorism providing short but informative analysis by international and regional security experts as well as useful background information and resources.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 8)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2006
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 7)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Oct 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 3)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Oct 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins

Abstract: The GCC-EU Research Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter focused on the relationship between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the European Union (EU). The newsletter combines an overview of events within the Gulf Research Center with short informative articles on aspects of the GCC-EU relationship as well as useful background information.

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Gulf WMD Free Zone (Issue No. 1)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Oct 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Gulf Research Center (GRC) announces the publication of the inaugural issue of its Security and Terrorism Research Bulletin. In line with the GRC’s commitment to study the factors that define the security climate in the Gulf, the first issue of the Bulletin is dedicated to the Center’s Gulf as a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone (GWMDFZ) Project.

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Energy Security (Issue No. 6)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 6)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jul 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Gulf research Center (GRC) Newsletter is an attempt to highlight the most significant developments in the GRC calendar. The primary objective of this quarterly periodical is to let people know what the GRC is doing and, more crucially, how it is happening.

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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 2)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jun 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The GCC-EU Research Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter focused on the relationship between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the European Union (EU). The newsletter combines an overview of events within the Gulf Research Center with short informative articles on aspects of the GCC-EU relationship as well as useful background information.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 5)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Gulf research Center (GRC) Newsletter is an attempt to highlight the most significant developments in the GRC calendar. The primary objective of this quarterly periodical is to let people know what the GRC is doing and, more crucially, how it is happening.

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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 1)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Mar 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The GCC-EU Research Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter focused on the relationship between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the European Union (EU). The newsletter combines an overview of events within the Gulf Research Center with short informative articles on aspects of the GCC-EU relationship as well as useful background information.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 4)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2005
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Gulf research Center (GRC) Newsletter is an attempt to highlight the most significant developments in the GRC calendar. The primary objective of this quarterly periodical is to let people know what the GRC is doing and, more crucially, how it is happening.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 2)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Aug 2004
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins

Abstract: The Gulf research Center (GRC) Newsletter is an attempt to highlight the most significant developments in the GRC calendar. The primary objective of this quarterly periodical is to let people know what the GRC is doing and, more crucially, how it is happening.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 13)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Apr 2004
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 1)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Mar 2004
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Gulf research Center (GRC) Newsletter is an attempt to highlight the most significant developments in the GRC calendar. The primary objective of this quarterly periodical is to let people know what the GRC is doing and, more crucially, how it is happening.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 16)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Mar 2004
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 3)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Feb 2004
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The Gulf research Center (GRC) Newsletter is an attempt to highlight the most significant developments in the GRC calendar. The primary objective of this quarterly periodical is to let people know what the GRC is doing and, more crucially, how it is happening.

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GRC Newsletter (Issue No. 14)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Jan 2004
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


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GCC-EU Research Bulletin (Issue No. 5)

Edited By: Gulf Research Center
Publisher: Gulf Research Center
Date of Publication: Nov -0001
Publications Categories: Newsletters & Bulletins


Abstract: The GCC-EU Research Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter focused on the relationship between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the European Union (EU). The newsletter combines an overview of events within the Gulf Research Center with short informative articles on aspects of the GCC-EU relationship as well as useful background information.

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