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Islamic Finance: Risk, Stability and Growth

  • Mehmet Asutay
  • Abdullah Turkistani
Edited By: Mehmet Asutay and Abdullah Q. Turkistani
Publisher: Gerlach Press
ISBN / EISBN: 978-3-940924-17-9
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Publications Categories: GRM Publications
Price: 433.23 SAR

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Islamic finance in modern times emerged in the form of commercial banking in the mid-1970s as a response to the endogenisation of religious norms in shaping the norm and substance of financing to produce a moral economy-oriented proposition for developing economies and societies since Islam, as a religion, also provides the norms, values, principles and injunctions related to everyday aspects of economic and financial activity. While Islamic banking is a modern phenomenon, Islamic financing itself has been in practice within the periphery of the Muslim world ever since the Prophet Muhammad revealed such principles about fourteen centuries ago.

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