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Supporting the Gulf Research Center

The Gulf Research Center, as a not-for-profit organization, relies on charitable contributions in order to carry out its mission to provide high-quality research on the Gulf region. GRC welcomes your donations, which can be made either to the GRC Foundation, Geneva or to GRC Cambridge, UK.

The GRC Foundation is a registered Swiss Foundation - governed by its Memorandum and Articles as well as by Articles 80 and thereafter of the Swiss Civil Code - through its Foundation Council. GRCF was registered with the Commercial Register of Geneva on 7 July 2007 under number 8659/2007 (Swiss Federal Registration Number: CH-660-1637007-9), which makes it eligible to receive donations that are tax deductible.

The Gulf Research Centre Cambridge Limited is a registered UK Charity - governed by its Memorandum and Articles and the UK Charities Act - through its Board of Trustees. GRC Cambridge was registered with Companies House, UK on 20 August 2009 under number 6996970 as a private company limited by guarantee. It was granted Registered UK Charity status on 14 July 2011 under Registered Charity number 1142875, which makes it eligible to receive donations that are tax deductible.

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