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Dr. Leanne Piggott, Deputy Director of the Centre for International Security Studies and a member of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Sydney visited the GRC where she met with Dr. Christian Koch to discuss current developments in the region and areas of cooperation with the Gulf Research Center. Specific issues included the role of education and energy security.

Dr. Christian Koch, Dr. Mustafa Alani and Nicole Stracke received at the GRC, Mr. John Richardson, Director of the Brussels Forum of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and Lamis Khalilova also of GMF. They discussed development in the Gulf region and opportunities for cooperation.

Dr. Christian Koch received a group of students from the Free University of Berlin studying the urban planning process of Dubai.

Nicole Stracke and Christian Koch received a 8-member student delegation from the New Initiative for Middle East Peace (NIMEP), a student-run think-tank at the Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University

Ms. Lina Chihabi Marketing Manager of the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in Abu Dhabi visited GRC where she met with Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf to discuss cooperation in the field of environment.

December 30, 2009


A delegation from the Pillars of Knowledge for Research & Studies (PKRS) visited the Gulf Research Center. PKRS is a Khartoum-based non-profit, independent organization established in 2009. PKRS focuses on international relations, as well as social, economic and religious issues relating to Sudan. Dr. Ahmed Hassan, General Manager, Mr. Kalem Moustafa, Executive Manager, and Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Sadek, Director of Political Program of PKRS met with Dr. Oskar Ziemelis and Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf from the GRC to explore synergies between the two institutions and study possibilities of cooperation.

December 15, 2009


Dr. Christian Koch, Director of International Studies, met with the Honorable Bob Rae, Member of Parliament for Toronto Centre in the Canadian House of Commons to discuss regional developments and issues. Mr. Rae was accompanied by Taher Mukbel, Foreign Affairs Advisor and Cindie-Eve.Bourassa-Braun of the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi. 
