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A delegation from the Vietnam Institute for Africa & Middle East Studies (VIAMES) visited the Gulf Research Center. Prof. Do Duc Dinh, the Director of VIAMES headed the delegation, which also included Ms. Tran Thi Lan Huong, editor of the Journal of Africa and Middle East Studies. The delegation was accompanied by Mr. Nguyen Duc Cuong, Third Secretary of the Embassy of Vietnam and Ms. Pham Tan Hoa, Director of the Asia Pacific University Vietnam Office. Potential cooperation areas between GRC and VIAMES were discussed with Dr. Christian Koch, Director of International Studies and Dr. Oskar Ziemelis, Director of Cooperation at the Gulf Research Center.

Dr. Koch met with Daniel Meyer of the Institut Francais du Proche-Orient to talk about a possible project on borders and national identity in the Gulf region.

A delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) visited the Gulf Research Center. The delegation of ten was headed by HE Mr. Gao Quanli, Vice-President of CASS and included Prof. Zhang Youyun, Deputy Director-General of the CASS Bureau of International Cooperation. The delegation also included Prof. Yang Guang, Director-General of the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies together with other members of the Institute, which is one of more than 30 research institutes that exist as part of CASS. The purpose of the visit was to enhance mutual understanding and explore possibilities of research cooperation between CASS and GRC. Views were also exchanged on developments in the Gulf region and China’s relations with the region.

A delegation from the International Union for conservation of Nature (IUCN), visited the Gulf Research Center. IUCN is a global environmental organization and a membership association with more than 1,000 member organizations in 140 countries and it has official observer status at the United Nations General Assembly. The Union’s headquarters are in Gland, near Geneva, Switzerland. IUCN supports governments, NGOs, international conventions, UN organizations, companies and communities to develop and implement laws, policy and best-practice to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable, by mobilizing organizations, providing resources, training people and monitoring results. Dr. Odeh Al Jayoussi, IUCN Regional Director, met with the Chairman of GRC Abdulaziz Sager, and the managers of the GRC Science and Technology and Environment research programs. The purpose of the visit was to explore possibilities of cooperation between GRC and IUCN, especially in the area of capacity building programs related to sustainability, green economy and renewable energies.

Dr. Kristian Coates-Ulrichsen of the Kuwait Programme of the London School of Economics visited the GRC and met with Dr. Christian Koch and Mr. Kareem Mahjoob of the GRC to inform about the current research being conducted at the LSE.

Dr. Koch received in the GRC offices the new Consul-General of Canada, Kris Panday, to discuss issue related to GCC-Canada relations. Mr. Panday is the first Consul-General to be appointed to Dubai.
