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Delegation from CSIS

A delegation of sixteen foreign policy professionals from the United States visited the Gulf Research Center as part of a Gulf Study Tour organized under the auspices of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) of Washington, DC. The group was headed by Dr. Jon B. Alterman, Senior Fellow and Director of the Middle East program at CSIS.

A range of subjects were discussed but the main focus of the meeting was on issues relating to Iran and Iraq and the implications of the current situation vis-à-vis the Gulf region. Potential future developments in the region were also addressed. The delegation consisted of:

-Jon Alterman, Director and Senior Fellow of the CSIS Middle East Program.

-Rand Beers, President of the National Security Network.

-Max Boot, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

-Gregory Brosman, Program Coordinator and Research Assistant in the CSIS

 Middle East Program.

-Mackenzie Eaglen, Senior Policy Analyst for defense and homeland security

 issues at The Heritage Foundation.

-Richard Falkenrath, Deputy Commissioner for counter-terrorism in the New

 York City Police Department.

-Matt Gobush, Manager for Executive Communications at ExxonMobil


-Ken Juster, Executive Vice President of law, policy, and corporate strategy


-Rachel Kleinfeld, Founder and Executive Director of the Truman National

 Security Project.

-Haim Malka, Deputy Director and Fellow of the CSIS Middle East Program.

-Peter Ogden, Senior Policy Analyst for national security and international 

 policy at the Center for American Progress.

-Mitchell B. Reiss, Vice Provost for International Affairs and Professor of Law

 and Government at the College of William & Mary.

-Mara Rudman, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and

 President of Quorum Strategies.

-Danny Sebright, Associate Vice President at the Cohen Group.

-Dan Shapiro, Vice President of Timmons and Company, Inc.

-Lee Wolosky, Partner at Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP and Adjunct Professor

 in International Affairs at Columbia University.

Volker Nienhaus – President University of Marburg

Ali Ahmed Saleh, Consul General of the United Republic of Tanzania and Amb Mohammed M H Mzale, Director of Middle East Dept, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internal Cooperation, Dar es Salaam.

A delegation of the German city of Hamburg visited GRC and were briefed about the GCC economies and their potential. The delegation was headed by Kristin Augsburg, Hamburg Representative in Dubai and comprised Ulrich Brehmer, the Managing Director of the Hamburg chamber of commerce, his colleague Dr. Cristiana Cicoria and Christian Giesbrecht of Deutsche Bank Hamburg.

Bradley Bowman – US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
