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On a panel with Dr. Günther Beckstein, the Bavarian Minister-President, Emilia Müller, Bavarian Minister of Economy and Dr. Peter Göpfrich, Official Delegate of the German Commerce and Industry in Dubai, Dr. Eckart Woertz, Program Manager Economics at GRC briefed a delegation of German business people from the German state of Bavaria and Dubai about contemporary economic issues in the Gulf on March 19, 2008 in Dubai.

On the occasion of the visit of Dr. Thomas Goppel, State Minister for Science, Research and the Arts in the Free state of BavariaGermany, the Gulf Research Center and the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the area of scientific cooperation and joint research projects. The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. Karl-Dieter Grüske, Rector of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg and Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center.  Accompanied by a delegation of dignitaries from Bavaria, including several University Presidents, the memorandum seeks to further the GRC’s objective to collaborate with universities, think-tanks and research organizations in order to promote solid academic work on the GCC states and the Gulf region. This agreement will allow the GRC and the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg to cooperate on event organization as well as staff and student exchange.

Prof. Dr. Grüske underlined that both institutions share common values and opinions on the matter and he emphasized the need and desire to cooperate with the GRC not only on educational issues but specifically in research. He also emphasized the long tradition of the university in relations to Middle Eastern studies. GRC Chairman Abdulaziz Sager mentioned that this is a great opportunity for the GRC to look into integrating further technology and applied sciences to the four core areas of research pursued by the GRC including politics and security studies, energy and economics, as well as education and the environment

State Minister Dr. Goppel highlighted that both Bavaria and the Gulf are regions attached to their traditions and values which they should preserve but also allow to grow. Through determinant partnership such as the one signed between the GRC and the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, better understanding and knowledge as well as educational and economic opportunities will be promoted and expanded. 

In addition to Dr. Goppel and Prof. Dr. Grüske, the delegation also included Dr. Hartmut Wurzbacher, director of the research, planning in higher education and international affairs department in the Bavarian Ministry. Prof. Dr. Alf C. Zimmer, President of the University of Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Marion Schick, President of the University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Prof. Dr. Reinhold Baumstark, General Director of Art Collection of the State of Bavaria, and Prof. Dr. Heidrun Stoeger, Chair for School Education at the Universität Regensburg, School Research and School Development, and Thomas Boehm, Director of the German Academic Exchange Service in the UAE (DAAD).

Heinz Dürr - Chairman of the Supervisory Board- Dürr AG, Stuttgart, Dürr Systems GmbH, Stuttgart, ADC Krone Deutschland, Berlin

February 25, 2008


Muna Ahmad Ali, Environment Specialist in Dubai Aluminum Company (Dubal),visited GRC to discuses future cooperation between GRC and Dubal in the environmental activities, training and research.

February 20, 2008


GRC received a courtesy visit by:

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona),

Rep. Jane Harman (D-California)

Dr. Sidney Harman, Executive Chairman of Harman International Industries, Inc.

The delegation was accompanied by US Consul General Mr. Paul Sutphin and staff members.

February 20, 2008


Prof. Helen Siu, Yale University and Founder, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences visited GRC and discussed about GRC work programs and possible cooperation.
