Prof. Christopher R. Marshall

Associate Professor of Art History and Museum Studies

Dr. Christopher R. Marshall is Associate Professor in Art History and Museum Studies at the University of Melbourne. His publications on museums and curatorship include Sculpture and the Museum (Ashgate, 2011) and contributions to Museum Making; Making Art History and Reshaping Museum Space (Routledge, 2005, 2007 and 2012), together with articles in Journal of Curatorial Studies, Journal of the Inclusive Museum etc. His publications on Neapolitan Baroque art, collecting and the art market include Baroque Naples and the Industry of Painting (Yale University Press, 2016) and contributions to The Economic Lives of Seventeenth-Century Italian Painters (Yale University Press, 2010); Davanti al naturale (Officina Libreria, 2017); Mapping Markets in Europe and the New World (Brepols: 2006); The Art Market in Italy (Pannini: 2002); as well as articles in The Journal of the History of Collecting, The Burlington Magazine, the Art Bulletin etc. Other publications include the co-edited volume, The Legacies of Bernard Smith (2016), winner of the 2017 Art Association of Australia and New Zealand award for best anthology, and Macmillan Interpreting Art: A Guide for Students, (2001) which was highly commended in the 2002 Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing. Marshall’s research distinctions include two years support from the Australian Research Council, the Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellowship (Centre for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC), a Senior Research Fellowship at the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, a Research Fellowship at the Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan, and Visiting Senior Lecturing Fellowships at the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Wuhan, and the Department of Art and Art History, Duke University, Durham NC.

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