Frequently Asked Questions

GRM structure

  • Q: Can participants join more than one workshop? A: No, they can join only one workshop as the workshops run parallel to each other, and all participants are required to attend all sessions of their workshop.
  • Q: Will all directors have the chance to meet at GRM? A: They will meet during the workshop directors’ briefing and debriefing sessions prior to and following GRM.
  • Q: Do workshops have to have exactly 16 participants? A: No. For GRM 2024, GRCC expects that workshops will have between 14 and 20 participants. Directors will be asked to select 20 from the applications received and indicate as many strong alternates as possible. If a person withdraws, (s)he will be replaced by an alternate on the condition that the alternate submits a paper by the May 31 deadline that meets the GRM requirements. However, even if 20 papers are submitted by the May 31 deadline, in GRCC’s experience, a few of them will not meet the GRM standards, and the invitation to join the workshop will be withdrawn. Of the expected remaining 18, there will most likely be a few last-minute withdrawals due to visas not being obtained or for other personal reasons.

Workshop proposal applications

  • Q: How many workshop proposals can I submit? A: One.
  • Q: Can I submit two workshop proposals with two different workshop directors? A: No, every scholar can submit only one proposal.
  • Q: What happens if I submit more than one proposal with the same or another scholar? A: You will be asked which proposal you want to keep, and which proposal(s) has/have to be deleted.
  • Q: What happens if I submit more than one proposal with the same or another scholar? A: You will be asked which proposal you want to keep and which proposal(s) has/have to be deleted.
  • Q: Do I have to indicate my co-director at the time of submission? A: Yes, the application form requires that your co-author details and CV be included before you can submit.
  • Q: Can I change my co-director after submitting a proposal? A: Only if (s)he agrees in writing and the new co-director accepts the GRM conditions to direct a workshop.
  • Q: Can I change the contents of the proposal after submission? A: No, after submission, proposals cannot be changed, and one cannot submit a second proposal.
  • Q: Can GRC suggest or require changes to the submitted proposal? A: Yes, if the proposal is almost complete and considered of interest, GRCC may suggest or request proponents to make changes in order for it to fit better with the GRM objectives and requirements.
  • Q: How many directors per workshop? A: Exactly two, not one nor three.
  • Q: What if we have developed the workshop proposal with three (or more) directors? A: You will have to choose the two who will act as directors, keeping in mind the requested diversity of directors (e.g., different institutions) and the selection criteria (e.g., one director from the Gulf). The third (and additional) scholar can be included as a regular participant. (S)he would not be entitled to travel and accommodation offered to workshop directors and would have to submit a paper like all other participants. The two proposed directors can, of course, share the costs of the third (and additional) scholar(s). The latter can also serve as a co-editor of the joint publication of the workshop.
  • Q: In previous GRMs, GRC has accepted workshops with more than two directors, why the change? A: Previous GRMs have shown that workshops with three or more directors are not more effective in the way they are run than workshops with two directors; in assuring the quality of papers that are submitted; and in producing joint publications of the workshop. As GRM needs to also focus on being cost effective, a change in the guidelines with regard to the number of directors has been introduced.


  • Q: Why is the phrasing of the GRCC copyright on the GRM under point 7 in the GRM Intellectual Property Guidelines? A: GRCC spends very significant resources on organising GRM and wants to see all papers presented at GRM published.
  • Q: How many papers presented at GRM have been published without authorisation of the authors? A: Zero. GRCC follows a strict code of ethics ensuring that all publications are done with full agreement and in partnership with the authors.
  • Q: In case an author asks to return the copyright to him/her, will GRCC agree to this? A: Yes, unless the paper is included in an edited volume or a special issue of a journal and the publisher needs to hold the copyright and as long as it is indicated why (s)he needs the copyright returned, where the paper will be published, and commits to acknowledging GRM/GRC/GRCC as indicated.
  • Q: If after GRM, I significantly change my original paper presented at GRM, do the copyright rules still apply? A: Yes because it would most likely be ‘self-plagiarism.’ In fact, when it is an original paper, the author should aim for zero ‘self-plagiarism.’ However, in many journals, a similarity of up to 15% is allowed, and for a chapter in a book about 5%. However, please note that copyright can be returned to the authors.

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