GRM Sponsors

Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation

Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation – Global prides itself on its slogan “Commitment without Boundaries” as it serves the need of communities around the world, regardless of race or religion. Its international philanthropic activities span the four focus areas of: Global Cultural Understanding, Community Development, Disaster Recovery and Women’s Empowerment. The Foundation has supported effective non-profits in over 65 countries around the world, benefiting communities in the Arab, Asian and African regions, as well as in Europe, Oceania and the Americas. His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed has a long history of supporting those less fortunate, particularly in the developing world. This Foundation was established to institutionalize his international philanthropic activities, and its strategy is built on Prince Alwaleed’s belief that philanthropy is a humanitarian obligation, with an emphasis on extending need-based help to communities the world over. Alwaleed Foundation strives to build global intercultural understanding through academia and creative learning. It supports sustainable and innovative programs that use high-quality research, media and art to bring about much needed peace and understanding in communities around the world. With a special focus on promoting the exchange of knowledge between the world of Islam and the West, the Foundation forms long-term partnerships with leading universities and innovative organizations, helping to bridge gaps of knowledge between cultures, thus creating better global understanding suitable for the 21st century’s interdependent world.

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