The following workshop tries to reach a better and more balanced understanding of the often quoted “low work motivation” or “rentier mentality” of Gulf nationals. While the academic literature shies away from these culturally sensitive topics, leaving them to “business guides,” the workshop assumes that the reasons for many motivational labour force problems are neither cultural nor religious. Instead, there are structural impediments stemming from the mixture of different business traditions and an extremely rapid and unbalanced growth process. In most cases, the results are underestimated and underutilized human resources and employees who are not encouraged to assume ownership and do not receive enough trust and responsibility. The workshop, therefore, will try to tackle the issue of low work motivation from the perspective of modern labour psychology and theories of organisational behaviour and project management, as well as the growing issues of youth unemployment and the urgent "localisation" programs that 2 various GCC countries have adopted in order to create jobs and their consequences on private sector costs and productivity. It will also underline the cultural and religious specificities of the region and their potential to achieve a better and more balanced work motivation than the West has developed during the last decades.